Rachel Moore
- On working with you – Most of marketing is done internally and not with outside clients, but I love the opportunity to collaborate with my team of colleagues. It is always fun brainstorming marketing ideas with my team or planning events for the staff or clients. No two days are the same – it keeps work fun and busy!
- On your favorite project – My favorite marketing project so far has been designing our marketing folders and inserted project sheets. I loved the chance to create leave behinds for our clients, while allowing the project managers to customize them on their own.
- On your own time – Most of my time is spent playing at the park, playing “job site” with construction trucks, answering the question “why?”, coloring or having dance parties with our 1 and 3 year old kids. But if I get a free moment, there’s nothing like enjoying a great glass of red or a venti iced Starbucks on our patio.
- On working in Construction – I am always learning about the construction industry and how we can market to those of us that aren’t used to all of the industry terms. Never a dull moment in this field!
©2020 MOORE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES | W146 N5650 Enterprise Avenue | Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 | Tel: 262-345-1280
W146 N5650 Enterprise Avenue
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
Tel: 262-345-1280